Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010

Chapter 3 Terms In Using ICT

A. Multiple Choice

  1. A
  2. E
  3. D
  4. A
  5. E
  6. A
  7. A
  8. C
  9. A
  10. C
B. Essay
  1. Name several factors that make someone prefer using illegal software. *Low income, Low education level, The cost of a permit or licensed software is relatively expensive, Low law enforcement, Lack of awareness to use genuine software.
  2. Describe the difference between etchis and morality in the society. *Ethics are a concept of acknowledgement by the society towards human thoughts, which means that this concept evolves following men's true values. Whereas, morality is a code of conduct or a common conception of what is right according to the society.
  3. What is meant by the patent rights of a product? *Exclusive rights granted by the State to an Inventor of the Invention in the technology, which for a given period Invention implement their own or to give consent to another party to implement them.
  4. Explain the correct position/posture to use a computer. *The good sitting position is to sit on a seat with a back-rest, and the head is not so high in order to keep the linear distance with the monitor. The good viewing distance between a monitor and the eyes is around 46-47 cm. 
  5. What is the abbreviation oj HAKI? *Hak Cipta dan Hak Atas Kekayaan Intelektual

Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010

Chapter 2. Understanding Functions And Operation Of Various ICT

A. Multiple Choice

  1. A
  2. D
  3. B
  4. B
  5. E
  6. E
  7. C
  8. B
  9. A
  10. C
B. Essay
  1. W is represented by number code 87
  2. A. control unit is to translate comands in a series and then continoues them to the entire computer prats.
    B. arithmetic logic unit (AU) is tto process data by adding, substractig, comparing, and using logical formulas.
    C. memory is collect data to run an appliction program. the capability depens on the memory capacity, which is state in byte, kybte, mybte and gbyte unit.
  3. ROM (Read Only Memory). ROM is to save computer operation progrm, such as BIOS and booting.
  4. Ethernet, arcnet, and token rig.
  5. -utp Ccable (UNSHILED TWISTED PAIR)
    -STP cable (shielded twisted pair)
    -Coaxial Cable

    Sabtu, 09 Oktober 2010

    Chapter 1. Basic Operating System

    A. Multyple Choice
    1. A
    2. C
    3. E
    4. C
    5. A
    6. C
    7. D
    8. C
    9. A
    10. B
    B. Essay
    1. turning on procedure
    ensure that all power cable in a computer are connected.
    trun on the CPU by pressing the the ON or POWER button on the casing.
    trun on the monitor by pressing the ON or POWER button on the monitor.
    wait until the booting procedur is finished, which is shown by the desktop appearance.
    2. reset button used to restart computer, if the computer hang.
    3. by using shortcuts on the desktop
     we just double click to application on the desktop
    by using start menu
     start menu all programs application foder clik to the application.
     Start menu type the application name in the start search column and prees enter.
    By using the related document
     Windows vista will automatically run the related application to open a document file by double clicking the file.

    4. office suite is word prosecessor software for documenting letters, books, reports, ect,
    5. word processor, graphic suite, multimedia, and web browser.

    Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010



    Pada hari ini, Jum'at, 01 Oktober 2010, kita sedang melaksanakan Bimbingan Perdana untuk Persiapan OSN TIK Tingkat Kabupaten tahun 2010/2011 yang akan datang. Semoga hasilnya tidak memalukan. Aamiiiiiin 3x.
    Berhubung andalan utama soal-soal OSN TIK berbasis Pascal Programming, maka yang dipakai sebagai media pembelajarannya berupa Pascal Software khususnya Turbo Pascal versi 7.1 dan bersifat Free  Download. Untuk kali ini kita mencoba belajar membuat Program dengan nama Program Greeting-Salam. Program Greeting-Salam hanyalah sebuah Nama File dan biasanya Para Pendekar Pascal Programming memberi nama Program Halo World. Intinya usai menulis di Layar Kerja Turbo Pascal 7.1. sesuai aturan mainnya, maka yang harus dilakukan sebagai berikut :
    1. Menu perintah Compile. Jika tiada pesan error, berarti sukses.
    2. Menu perintah Run. Jika saat dicompile sukses, maka biasanya saat dirun juga sukses. Yang dimaksud Run di sini adalah untuk melihat hasil yang diinginkan yang bisa berupa : Text, Angka, Tabel, dll. sesuai keperluannya.
    3. Setelah klik kiri 1x pada File, maka pilih Save As. Pada kotak isian warna biru yakni File As ketikkan Nama File yaitu Greeting-Salam. Secara otomatis akan masuk ke dalam deretan Daftar File Program yang sudah sukses dibuat dengan nama lengkapnya yakni Greeting-Salam.PAS.
    Untuk menyingkat waktu, usai masuk Layar Kerja Turbo Pascal 7.1., tulis dengan urutan sebagai berikut :
    A. Latihan 1

            Writeln('As Salaamu Alaikum WRWB. Welcome to study Pascal Programming. Good luck !');

    B. Latihan 2

           Writeln('As Salaamu Alaikum WRWB. Welcome to study Pascal Programming. Good Luck !');

    C. Latihan 3
           Write('As Salaamu Alaikum WRWB. Welcome to study Pascal Programming. Good Luck !');

    D. Latihan 4
           Write('As Salaamu Alaikum WRWB. Welcome to study Pascal Programming. Good Luck !');

    Permintaan :
    • Setiap selesai membuat script program, silahkan klik kiri 1x pada Menu Compile dan pilih Compile. Jika sukses disuruh klik 1x pada pesan,"Press any key to continue".
    • Usai meng-compile, silahkan klik kiri 1x pada Menu Run, lalu lihat hasilnya, apakah sudah sesuai dengan Isi Script Yang Telah Dibuat. Contoh, bilamana muncul tulisan,"As Salaamu Alaikum WRWB. Welcome to study Pascal Programming. Good Luck !". Ini berarti, sukses membuat Program tersebut dan bisa melanjutkan membuat Program-Program Lainnya. Oleh karena itu, marilah kita coba membuatnya.
    • Silahkan dicoba-coba, cari kesalahannya dan solusinya. Selamat mencoba !
    Sumber : SUHUPSPBR21
